Bryher and Ben, co-founders of Helping Kids Shine, win the Health and Wellbeing StartUp of the Year at the Wales StartUp Awards 2023, as they continue their mission to support children’s potential

Bryher and Ben, co-founders of Helping Kids Shine Limited, are on a mission to empower families and support children in achieving their full potential. After years of experience working in healthcare and social services, Bryher felt compelled to create a private therapy business that could offer more personalized support for families in need.

With Bryher having initially traded as Helping Kids Shine as a sole trader throughout the Covid years in 2022, Bryher and Ben launched Helping Kids Shine Limited. Their goal is to help exhausted parents by recognizing challenges and making life easier. They work directly with families to identify each child’s strengths and participation difficulties. Then, they develop customized plans to help children build skills while embracing their unique qualities.

Bryher and Ben have ambitious plans for the future. They aim to expand Helping Kids Shine into a multi-disciplinary “one-stop shop” where families can access timely support whenever they need it, without jumping through hoops. Families would receive assistance for as long as required, based not just on professionals’ assessments but also on input from the children and parents themselves. Ideally, Bryher and Ben hope to secure grants to subsidize services for families who can’t afford private fees.

The chance to grow their business and help more people in their community excites Bryher and Ben. They were surprised and honored to receive recognition in the Startup Awards 2023. The award validated their mission to empower families and make a difference in children’s lives.

Through Helping Kids Shine Limited, Bryher and Ben really are helping kids shine. Their customized, compassionate support is illuminating paths for children to reach their full potential and easing the load for parents along the way. This inspiring entrepreneurial journey is sure to continue lighting up lives in Bridgend and beyond.

Want to know more about Helping Kids Shine?

Visit their website to learn more about the Health and Wellbeing StartUp of the Year Winner at the Wales StartUp Awards 2023!
