Connect Eyecare, winners of the Consumer Services Category at the North East Yorkshire, and the Humber StartUp Awards 2023, is revolutionizing vision care for Care home residents with empathy-driven eyecare and cutting-edge technology.


Gary Wilson founded Connect Eyecare in 2021 with the mission to disrupt the home visiting optician market and bring high street optician experiences directly to Care home residents. Following successful business launches in Glasgow, Perth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Manchester & London, he opened the Yorkshire and Humber branch in late 2021, Connect Eyecare is an empathy-driven eyecare business that connects Care home operators with dementia-trained opticians in their local communities.

Wilson’s founding inspiration was to transform the outdated model of Care home eye tests and equip opticians with the latest technology to provide kind, caring, and free eye tests for Care home residents in the comfort of their own homes. By partnering with Care homes and training opticians in dementia care, Connect Eyecare delivers personalised eye tests and helps residents choose stylish eyewear to suit their needs and tastes.

With the infrastructure firmly in place, Wilson has ambitious plans to rapidly scale the Connect Eyecare brand over the next three years. He is excited to grow the company and build a legacy of providing compassionate vision care to vulnerable populations. Winning the Startup Awards in 2023 has given Wilson and his team incredible validation and motivation.

“It’s inspiring to see and hear about others’ journeys too,”

says Wilson.

Connect Eyecare is bringing vision care into the digital age and reinventing the model of Care home eye tests. By harnessing technology and a person-centered approach, Wilson and his team are transforming lives and ensuring high-quality vision care is accessible to all. The future is bright for Connect Eyecare.

Want to know more about Connect Eyecare Central?

Visit their website to learn more about the Consumer Services StartUp of the Year Winner at the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber StartUp Awards 2023!
