Deaf Village CIC, a beacon of empowerment for the Deaf community, claims dual victory as Consumer Services StartUp of the Year and Lancashire StartUp of the Year at the North West StartUp Awards 2023, revolutionising inclusivity in Lancashire

Debra Cartlidge founded Deaf Village CIC in 2021 with a mission to promote inclusivity and empower the Deaf community in Lancashire, UK. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Debra knew she had to find a way to continue supporting her Deaf clients while keeping everyone safe. Her home became the base of operations, where she hosted socially distanced meetings.

One day, Debra had a vision while standing in her kitchen: 

“We need a venue that is home from home, somewhere everyone can gather, support each other and introduce peer to peer support!” 

She found a beautiful old cottage nestled in woodland that was perfect for their needs. The Deaf Village CIC moved in, changing the way they work and serve clients.

Directly behind the cottage was an old house in need of restoration, set on two acres of land. Debra saw the potential to create the ‘Deaf Village’, a place where all the Deaf community could come to without any communication barriers, and provide opportunities for the Deaf community. Her vision became a reality.

The future looks bright for Deaf Village CIC. They plan to expand their services by creating a community garden, becoming self-sufficient by growing their own food, and building an outdoor space to bring together the Deaf and hearing communities. Their goal is to establish the Deaf Village Academy to provide Deaf-led qualifications and a Deaf-led driving school, both the first of their kind in the UK. They also hope to purchase neighbouring land to build eco-friendly cabins and create a holiday park where people can experience the Deaf Village.

Debra and her team are excited to open the Deaf Village Academy and Community Garden. They aim to build connections between groups, continue their work in breaking down barriers, and create more opportunities for the Deaf community. Just two years in, Deaf Village CIC has made significant progress and looks forward to extending the Deaf Village in the coming years.

Upon winning the Startup Awards 2023, Debra said, 

“Great to be recognised, our hard work, commitment that has been put in to the Deaf Village, the whole village has been excited about winning.” 

Through her inspiring vision and dedication, Debra Cartlidge and Deaf Village CIC are signing up to empower the Deaf community.

Want to know more about Deaf Village CIC?

Visit their website to learn more about the Consumer Services StartUp of the Year and Lancashire StartUp of the Year winner at the North West StartUp Awards 2023!
